Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am not a loch ness monster

Woo hoo. I am not a loch ness monster. You can't call me nessie! :) I am totally exaggerating. I do know I would never be that rare. I mean really, I don't live in cold deep waters. Nor am I all that big or reptilian looking. And people don't wait in search of me with video cameras. But in terms of rarity in the world I have at times felt a bit more uncommon than I wanted to. I actually like commonality.

Last night's coffee was a continuation of what I blogged about yesterday. And that was that hearing and sharing more vulnerable experiences in person or on blogs matters, and helps me.

So last night I was able to spend time talking with someone who also: went to bible school, has thought about being a pastor (she's still pursing it, I am not), is a pastors kid, is a christian, is a lesbian....

It was good to confirm again I am not so rare. :) We are all special of course but sometimes I really dig being human and knowing others who are similar.


Anonymous said...

Dangit. Alright, I'll stop calling you Nessie.


Deb said...

It's nice to be able to relate to somebody who truly understands what it's like to be a Christian, as well as being persecuted for the life they live.

Hope you find peace!

Liadan said...

I sort of lucked out there, I suppose; I figured out why I felt Not Like The Other Little Girls by surfing whosoever.org, so my epiphany of "I'm a queer!" came alongside my "God doesn't hate me for it!" moment.

titration said...

I have seen that site... Hmmm. I should go back there. That epiphany should come in that way for everyone I think. :)