Monday, February 18, 2008

Career Counseling Class - Random quotes

So 20 hours in class is really long. The teacher was pretty good though and showed video clips which helped things out whenever I was about to fall off my chair. We went through a ton of theory and lots of hearing my classmates talk. Some of whom I wanted to talk more than others. I will spare you that content. We took two vocational tests, did a values assessment exercise, a skills exercise, some other activity where we looked for commonalities in all of the information. Good times!

These were some of my favorite quotes and thoughts from the weekend:
  • "If you have never had chocolate cake you don't know to ask for it." In reference to people not knowing their job options if they have never seen them or heard about them.
  • People are unhappy at their jobs it's usually because their work doesn't fit their values.
  • "You don't believe anything (like a job or environment) is going to change you but it does. People tend to believe they are impervious." (after watching a clip from the movie "The Devil Wears Prada")
  • Kids that had a chaotic childhood don't have career goals. They never thought they needed to think about it because they didn't feel they would have a choice. eg. They never dreamed because it wasn't an option.
  • Question: Is there a correlation between gender/sexual orientation confusion and confusion about career and what one wants to do? (Personally I haven't found any correlation here. I've always been clear about what I wanted to do.)
  • Sharon Daloz Parks is an author I want to read. She did a developmental model for spiritual growth that seems to look at career/calling as well. Her books are called "Big Questions Worthy Dreams" where she explores three stages shipwreck, gladness, and amazement. She also wrote a book with her husband and another couple about community called "Uncommon Fire."
  • Quote from my prof. "I don't believe in flights into mental health." Meaning you don't find your self clinically depressed... today and wake up tomorrow cured. Process is important.
And lastly here's one of the theories I was most intrigued with.
Hapson & Adams: 7 stage model of adult transition: (A theory I relate to because I'm in it)
  1. Shock
  2. Minimization "O no I'm fine"
  3. Self doubt (can I handle this?)
  4. Letting go (acceptance/stop fighting it). You attach to your future
  5. Testing out. A sense of the future. You start to get some gladness.
  6. Search for meaning. What am I supposed to be learning here?
  7. Amazement


Casdok said...

The 7 stage model of adult transition are interesting. I am also in it, so its good to know i will get through it!

Random Reflections said...

Some good quotes from that book. I particuarly like the first two - I sometimes wonder how you're meant to know what to do for a living. There must be lots of jobs we have never heard of.

I also think I am not a huge fan of my job because it doesn't fit my principles and values. Hence my trying to find one that does...

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I was thinking of you yesterday and wishing you were in church with me. A very good sermon about being "born again." Here are some thoughts I had (most emerged from what was preached, but weren't actually part of the sermon):
Born of flesh and born of spirit. The word for spirit is ruach, the spirit, breath, sophia from the Hebrew Bible. I got to thinking that being born again could be the difference between being alive (born of flesh) and REALLY LIVING, living abundantly (born of spirit). One of the sermon illustrations was about coming out as a form of rebirth. You had Hebrew, right? I'm interested to learn if ruach has anything to do with the the dry bones coming to life in the OT.


Anonymous said...

I read Uncommon Fire - its good! You would like it - all about how people are drawn to doing social-justice type professions and how their faith interacts with that. -LV