Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Embrace your inner earthquakes

I do love this line. I'm starting up again in the new year going through the book "Creating a life worth living" by Carol Lloyd, which is a career planning book of sorts. One or two of the blogs I read blog books they are reading. I have done that some but I decided to try it with this blog. I am holding this idea gently however because I may not want to blog the whole book. Plus I might as well do this because I signed up too late for the career planning course at school.

This book starts up with this quote which I think is worth sharing.
"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. -Audre Lorde
Fear is tied up in career planning and vocation for so many people I think. This book is one for artsy people who are trying to create life's worth living out of multiple pieces that include how they make money and the art they love. It's really helpful for me because I am like she describes herself at one point an "art-damaged, interdisciplinary, bohemian" of sorts.

One of the first things this book calls upon it's reader to do is a daily action. It's a way to get yourself connected to those inner earthquakes. :) The daily action is fifteen minutes of a focused activity performed every day at the same time of day. She lists people who meditate, draw pictures that aren't for the next painting they are working on but are for fun. You are to do a daily action that avoids activities that require you to respond to stimuli or follow a formula too closely. On that note I'm off to do mine, which will either be drawing or poetry I guess. We shall see.


Casdok said...

Does blogging count?

titration said...

I think blogging totally counts!

Cheryl said...

Cool! Please keep us posted on how you find this activity to be. It sounds sort of like the same type of exercise as was made popular by the book "The Artist's Way."

Keep us posted.