Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Straight friends taking me to a lesbian wine bar

Two of my straight friends are taking me/going with me to what they say is a lesbian wine bar tonight. Is that not the sweetest thing ever? I think so. They are great. It is also the last night I get to hang out with my friend b. I'm starting to think that might be why I was in a bit off this week. I'm sad about her moving since she's been such a great support during this last six months.


Deb said...

I hope you have fun! That sounds great! Where's my invite????????

titration said...

You have one if you ever visit my city. :)

Zuzu said... IS sweet - I don't want to diminish that. But it's no more or less sweet than you going to straight bars with your straight friends. I don't think it's a good idea to put straight people on a pedestal for just doing something human. That's how all straight people should be - kind and supportive of their friends. On some level I resist handing out medals to straight people for just being a stand up person. Maybe it's because you're in a community where just being stand up around this issue isn't an expected norm - being kind, supportive and a genuine friend when it comes to this stuff is just expected behavior. When I think about it, it just make me angry.. and sad for you. AND, yes, of course, it's sweet. - Zuzu

titration said...

zu. I hear that. They probably would agree with you and not want an award either. It's just sweet to me because in my xian world here, it feels rare so I'm grateful for what is amongst what isn't.

Zuzu said...

I hear you and I do believe that about your friends. It just really pains me that this kind of common gesture of love, support and friendship is rare among your xian community... or any community.. it just makes me sad for you. You deserve abundance. You're a wonderful woman.

bobbie rose said...

i agree with zuzu.