Sunday, February 4, 2007

Being googled and more...

Three things I'm thinking about. (Hmm. I think I like lists)

1) Sitting at a friends house watching the superbowl and surfing the internet I realized I both want to and don't want to be googled. So many of my friends don't have much online to google. I on the other hand do. There is all kinds of stuff I've written out there. Nothing too huge and nothing that I find embarrassing but it's so odd that people who don't know me can find me like that. And then there are people who I hope google something and find this blog. And tons of people I hope never do. And then I think, do I want someone I would go out on a date with to find this blog? Um. My desire to think out loud in a safe place works only when I know it's safe and first dates are not safe but scary... albeit the really good kind of scary. And on that note I am really really enjoying the good kind of scary. :)

2) I hate figuring out when or if I should call someone. OK a someone like a person I'm going to go out on a date with. She said call me sometime. So I did. Can I call twice in a row if I didn't get them the first time. Probably not. What about if the first time I only had a really short time frame for them to call back. Reciprocity is a term I learned when I was just out of high school in my first year at bible college. Reciprocity is my friend. It's the equal, balanced, call and response thing. It's good. And I am always growing better at making sure I am internally spacious enough for equal back and forth. So I guess I'm not going to call again.

3) And still... I get so excited! Excited for my date. Excited for when we email or call or whatever. And another woman just initated a hello and she also is a christian and she just finished reading brennen manning. I really dig brennen manning. Am I dreaming? Do I seriously get to do this? How lucky am I. :)

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