So last night I went out with the guys for my friend Peter's birthday to see the movie "The Dark Night". It was great, although I think I still like the story of the last one "Batman the Beginnings" better. Anyway, midway through I ran to the bathroom and there was some woman having a very loud conversation in a stall while going to the bathroom.
I do not get it! Why in all the world would someone talk on the cell phone in the stall of a public bathroom while people are peeing, and maybe more, all around them. Why would they think someone else wants to hear that? And this isn't the first time I've experienced this. I've noticed it maybe a half dozen times. Once I heard a woman in a really crowded bathroom in the stall next to me pee and talk on the phone while there were other noises from the other side. Every time I hear this I am stunned.
I love being able to pick up the phone whenever and where ever, but while going to the bathroom? And not only that, while other people are around? Do people have no sense of decency or appropriateness or or or. It is beyond me. Seriously you only have to wait five minute until you are done. Can we not wait five minutes to make a phone call.
What is the world coming to?
I have a confession to make...
While on my break I commonly talk on the phone while in the bathroom.
I rarely bring my cell phone with me. I hate the phone. On the mountain, when I'm hiking, I'm appalled when people pass me on the phone, chatting to someone. I don't like the way cell phones connect people. I don't like how they disconnect people from the people near/next to them. I'm becoming a devolutionary. I think the only reason someone should be on the phone is to tell the other person when and where they'll be meeting in person... or, of course, calling their mom or grandma and telling them what up.
i KNOW!!! no decency!!! i have also experienced said convos and i'm just sooooo confused by it. i just hope i'm never the one on the other end...
I saw The Dark Knight at the IMAX cinema. Two-face is pretty disturbing on a screen that big !
I have noticed this too and dont understand it, but i just thought that was me getting old!!
I have a confession as well... anytime I hear someone drop there phone or even drop it in the toilet, I smile.. ..broadly!
I wouldn't dare pee while on the phone at home even! I don't get it. Moronic fools. lol! It's funny though because I have had my phone ring while in the stall----but NEVER once did I pick that puppy up!
My friend dropped hers in the toilet fumbling around trying to get her britches back in place.
People are funny. Remember the days without cell phones? GEEZ! How did we live???
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