Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Four moments I want to repeat - In pictures

I want another study night with wine and humus at a cute book store.

I want to go for another walk here. :)

I want to take more shadow pictures with Lo.

I want more spring flowers.
It's upside down because I took them upside down on my iphone camera.

Isn't it great that I can do all four of these things again?
What good things do you want more of?


ChicagoPioneerGal said...

What good things do you want more of?


Chicago in the winter is TOUGH.

Cheryl said...

I want more days of feeling exhilaratingly exhausted after a hard game of tennis.

I want more afternoons of naps with a nice spring breeze coming through the open windows.

I want more nights of no freelance work (until I need the money, of course. :)

Nice pics.