The inspire me thursday prompt is "fun and games" and play. For me fun and games and play is coloring outside the lines and coloring things that are supposed to be one color another. Remember coloring by number? Did anyone else color by a number that wasn't there? This flower leafy thing is supposed to be green with green stems. But it's orange. :) Sadly you can't really see that the orange is outside the lines. But it is. Trust me.
This is so wonderfully bold! I love the movement in this piece, as well as your unconventional approach to color.
I see the orange out of the lines. I like it. Simple beauty.
You rebel!!! I was always too scared to do the wrong thing and never ever coloured outside the line~ what does that say about me!! Thanks for visiting me:) Judy
Coloring outside the lines is what true art is about! I love the fact you remain true to this ideal. :D
I say color outside the lines...make the leaves magenta, and the cat purple...it is my mantra!! LOVE IT!
I love how fluid this is - and you did color outside the line! A woman after my own heart.
More fun & games...and more outside the lines for us all! Great inspiration...thanks!
Oh yeah, I remember--fun stuff and great approach here!
Oh I love your thought process with this - great result!
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