Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blog crushes

I have a bit of a "blog crush" on two blogs right now that really don't have a ton to do with much I blog about. They are both very different than me but both make me think and laugh sometimes. First the angry black woman blog which this morning caused me to laugh out loud.

And second I have been reading the blog "Not drinking the koolaid" for a couple months. I don't think I've ever even commented on their blog. But they often crack me up and they have a funny blog name. Plus they review stuff sometimes that I've found wonderful. Like here's their review of Johnson's baby oil gel, which I purchased and really does work wonders! Generally I think all I have in common with them is that I am female but they can be pretty funny.

1 comment:

Deb said...

It's funny, the blogs that I usually frequent have little or nothing to do with what I write about. Great blog references! I gotta go check them out!

Thanks!! :)