Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Universal personal sharing

Today I liked this quote by Sherwin Nuland from "The biology of the Spirit" podcast from speaking of faith (NPR). I agree. There is something about a very specific type of personal sharing that is universal and in my experience healing. It's a certain way of telling story.

"The more personal you are willing to be, and the more intimate you are willing to be about the details of your own life, the more universal you are. And not universal just in your own culture... Cultural differences are a kind of patina over the deepest psycho-sexual feelings we have and share, by virtue of the physical properties of the body and kind of brain that we have, which bring out certain sorts of strivings and emotional needs that are universal"

And while we are on that topic here's my sharing for the day. Not sure it's universal but...

Today I wandered aimlessly online and in my spirit unable to do hardly any work. I felt clenchy and purposeless and muddy headed. I did none of the things that might help me, like go home for an hour, journal, get up and walk around, work in another room, grieve, name and tell a coherent story of what is going on in me. I felt mentally ungrounded and unrooted. It tends to be that I feel this way when I need something, and am not naming it OR when I am not grieving something I need to grieve. I do like how human and every day this state is. And I like how there are many ways pausing to name what is changes me internally.

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